Broan 353 Gable Mounted Attic Fan (353)
Broan 353 Gable Mounted Attic Fan
Great Product
Great product. I have it set at 95 degrees. It shuts down like it says in the instructions. It is a lot quieter than I expected and helps with cooling efficiency throughout our home. Don't know why I didn't do it sooner.
uiet, take time to mount it property, cooler below and above
Test after mounting to make sure the screws do not hit the fan; dremel wheel screws out of the way! On each metal mount, I included a medium foam plate to dampen the vibration. Up flush to the studs, thin insulation was placed between the mounting Medium Density Board to further limit vibration. Result: quiet fan operation, smooth, no rattle and below its a strain to know the thermostat tripped on the fan.
A hardware grade thermostat was hung next to the fan to calibrate the electrical motor control thermostat - I've read they are not accurate. This is an easy way to calibrate the fan turn-on temperature.
Power is boxed and switch controlled to the thermostat. May add automatic control below with some computer intelligence at a later point in time.
No problems so far and you can feel the difference, lower temperature and lower air conditioning bills. Now that's comfort!