Replacing a Non-Swivel Board Cover & Pad
Note: Before removing your existing cover and pad,
raise your ironing board and examine how your cover and pad is currently
installed. This will be helpful when installing your replacement cover
and pad.
Step 1
Remove the old cover and pad by cutting the strings underneath the back of the board on both sides.

Step 2
Leave the board in the ironing position. Place the new
pad on the board extending the edges slightly over the tapered end of
the ironing board.

Step 3
Now place the cover on top of the pad and extend the edges of the cover approximately 1 �� over the new pad.

Step 4
Place your hand on the nose of the board while slightly
pulling one drawstring at a time in order to partially secure the cover
around the nose of the board.

Step 5
Before final tightening of your cover and pad, for a 42�
board you will need to fold underneath approximately 6� of excess cover
underneath the pad.

Step 6
Once folded underneath, place hand over the tapered end
of the board to keep the cover and pad in place while raising the board
back into the cabinet.

Step 7
Thread the ends of each drawstring starting from the
inside of the pad and cover and using the middle set of eyelets for a
42� board or use the bottom set of eyelets for a 46� board. Pull the
string through each eyelet.
Step 8
While firmly holding your hand over the nose of the
ironing board to keep the cover and pad in place with one hand, tighten
the drawstring on one side by pulling snuggly.

Step 9
Shown in the image below, thread the drawstring through
the eyelet found on the outside edge of the cover. Going from the
inside to the outside.

Step 10
Now bring the string underneath creating a loop and place end through the loop.
Pull tight to finish the knot. Repeat this step to double the knot.

Step 11
Let�s move to the other side. This time you will pull the drawstring slowly and very tight.

Step 12
Pull the excess drawstring through the lower eyelet.
Continue repeating the pull process. By adjusting a few times you are
tightening up around the entire perimeter of the board.

Step 13
Now repeat Step 9 through 11 and cut the excess string off each side.

You're Done!